The essential student safety
& wellbeing course:
Alcohol | Drugs | Sexual Safety

1 in 5 students at your university have taken drugs in the last year. This is your opportunity to help them stay safe.

Dealing with Drug Emergencies
- free resources

Looking out for your friends and loved ones, and helping to keep people safe is always important. That’s why we’re offering our ‘Dealing with Drug Emergencies’ modules from the Staying Safe course for free.

We hope you find them useful.

Introduction: Dealing with Drug Emergencies


Alcohol: passing out drunk & the recovery position


Anxiety: panic, cannabis, cannabis edibles


cocaine, stimulants, overdoing it


Panic Attacks:
psychedelics, bad trips, LSD, magic mushrooms

#Panic #KnowYourDose

Pulling A Whitey:
cannabis & alcohol, dizzy & passing out


Ketamine wobble & ‘The K Hole’


Staying Safe Programme in the media


Staying Safe Programme in the media CLICK HERE

Launched in October 2022 with the support of :

The first phase of this project was funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)
[NIHR205267- Reducing Demand for Recreational Drugs through Harm Reduction-based University Education:
Developing and Refining The Staying Safe Programme]

University partners include:

The Staying Safe Programme was one of 4 case studies highlighted in the UUK report ‘Enabling student health and success’, as an example of how universities can implement the recommendations of the report.

This excerpt is
from the report

What is the Staying Safe Programme?

The Staying Safe Programme (SSP) is an online course designed by an expert team to educate university students about alcohol and other drugs in a way that is engaging, authentic and useful.

The SSP evolved from discussions with Student Unions, Directors of Student Experience and Welfare and policy experts. It places the use of substances within the context of wider university life. SSP has the health, safety and success of students at its core. It acknowledges the competing challenges universities have, from protecting reputation and recruitment, to supporting student welfare, diversity and inclusion and compliance with current drug legislation.

With comprehensive content, its harm reduction approach aims to reduce demand and risk for those who use drugs and supports non-drug users to maintain abstinence. SSP is an excellent resource for universities and complements their existing Health and Welfare Services.  

Download the Staying Safe Programme Summary


The Programme was developed to draw on Professor Adam R. Winstock’s 25 years experience as a Consultant Psychiatrist and Addiction Medicine Specialist, member of Drug Science Expert Committee, academic researcher, educator and harm reduction advocate. He is also the founder of the Global Drug Survey that runs the world’s largest drug survey. He was one the first people to create a suite of digital tools providing free online assessment and harm reduction tools for alcohol and other drugs.  

Collaborating with students, university welfare teams as well as experts from behaviour change, policing, sexual assault, and criminology, the SSP was launched in October 2022. Having the course created by experts builds trust and integrity. This is crucial to its success, ensuring the content is relevant, effective and tailored to meet the needs of students with diverse experiences, knowledge and attitudes. Our experts don’t just know their stuff, they know students and are fantastic communicators.



SSP places the use of substances within the context of wider university life. It does not define a person by their use of a substance. SSP consists of 42 modules covering alcohol and other drugs, their effects, potential risks and reduce the risk of harm. Each module highlights issues related to mental and physical health and other personal vulnerability factors and includes modules on the law, sex drugs and consent and civic responsibility. The course also covers how to deal with drug emergencies, disrupt sexual assault and how to make informed choices and be respectful of the choices others make. We hope the course will help people become curious not judgmental.

Pilot evaluation data from students has been very good, with feedback from university staff confirming that what we have created is an excellent resource that is highly acceptable for academic institutions. Ongoing evaluation will lead to continuous course revisions to increase engagement and support informed behavioural choice, leading to a reduction in demand and an adoption of safer use strategies.


On July 31, 2024, the Office for Students (OfS) released their report on harassment and sexual misconduct.

Many of the issues relate to university polices and procedures and the provision of support to students. In addition, there is a significant focus on provision of information, open disclosure of the universities policies and procedures for training staff and students.

Staying Safe V3 gives you a head start on complying with the regulatory requirements with 10 modules addressing these issues.

Staying Safe V3 features a module specifically dedicated to domestic abuse, dating abuse and coercive control with expert Professor Gail Gilchrist. Watch out trailer to find out more.


We’re not like other drug education courses.

SSP knows a student’s expectation of drugs education is low. We wanted to put clear water between us and traditional approaches. The SSP is fit for purpose and aims to raise the bar. The SSP allows students to chose modules that are of relevance or of interest to them.

Our modules are engaging, practical and aim to support students make informed behavioural choices to keep them and their mates safe. The SSP offers an evidence based, non-judgmental, practical approach, that students like. While it offers harm reduction advice to help them make safer decisions, it does not minimise the risks associated with the use of substances.


We look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you may have about The Staying Safe Programme.

Professor Adam R Winstock
Consultant Psychiatrist,
Addiction Medicine Specialist
Founder, Staying Safer Ltd